Learn Liposuction Surgery with surgeons from all over the world

Purpose/Need for Activity:
- Safe technique of liposuction under local anesthesia that can be performed in an office based setting.
- To lower mortality/morbidity rate related to liposuction surgeries.
- Physicians need to be aware there are safer and more practical anesthesia methods for office-based procedures.
Target Audience:
- Skilled surgeons such as Dermatologists, OB/GYN, Vascular Surgeons, General Surgery.
Course Objectives:
- Select appropriate surgery candidates; perform tumescent anesthesia, liposuction and post-op care.
- Decrease complications by using tumescent anesthesia for liposuction patients.
- Evaluate and assess the various types of surgical procedures for which tumescent anesthesia can be used as a more effective and safer method of anesthesia and decrease complications.
Individual Disclosure Statement:
Dr. Jeffrey Klein would like to disclose that he has ownership interest in HK Surgical Inc. which manufactures instruments and surgical supplies. To resolve this conflict of interest, he will refrain from making recommendations regarding products that HK Surgical sells during his teaching, and will support his presentation and clinical recommendations with the best available evidence from the medical literature. Dr. Klein further discloses that he will be discussing the use of an unlabeled drug: Lidocaine.
Dr. Norma Kassardjian discloses that she has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Commercial Support:
There are no commercial supports for this program.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your needs. For any special requests, please contact Atoussa Cameron at the time of registration.
To learn about Dr. Jeffrey Klein and Dr. Norma Kassardjian’s education, training, publications and more, please refer to their Curriculum Vitae.
- Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein – Curriculum Vitae
- Dr. Norma Kassardjian –Curriculum Vitae