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Two Standards of Care for Tumescent Liposuction by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
There are two standards of care for tumescent liposuction: true tumescent liposuction, which is totally by local anesthesia, and semi-tumescent liposuction, which requires general anesthesia or heavy IV sedation.
Post-Tumescent Liposuction Care: Open Drainage and Bimodal Compression by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
The goals of post-liposuction care must be to minimize edema, bruising and patient discomfort. The post-operative pain and edema resulting from sutured incisions and prolonged post-liposuction compression is an irrational remnant from the days before the tumescent technique.
Lidocane Toxicity with Tumescent Liposuction: A Case Report of Probable Drug Interactions by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD, and Norma Kassarjdian, MD
We report a case of mild lidocaine toxicity. A reduced rate of lidocaine metabolism following tumescent liposuction may result from an inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) by sertraline (Zoloft) and flurazepam (Dalmane).
Tumescent Technique for Local Anesthesia Improves Safety in Large-Volume Liposuction by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
The tumescent technique for local anesthesia improves the safety of large-volume liposuction (1500ml) of fat) by virtually eliminating surgical blood loss and by completely eliminating the risks of general anesthesia. Results of two prospective studies of large-volume liposuction using the tumescent technique are reported.
The Tumescent Technique: Anesthesia and Modified Liposuction Technique by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
The tumescent technique for liposuction is a new technique that has been developed entirely by dermatologic plastic surgeons. It is a dramatic improvement over the traditional methods that require either general anesthesia or deep intravenous (IV) sedation and narcosis. It is this authors contention that liposuction by local anesthesia is safer than liposuction by general anesthesia.
The Tumescent Technique for Liposuction Surgery by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
The tumescent technique of liposuction is a modification of the wet technique. A large volume of very dilute epinephrine is infiltrated into a targeted fat compartment prior to liposuction, producing a swelling and firmness. This tumescence of fat permits an increased accuracy in liposuction and minimizes postsurgical irregularities or rippling of the skin.
Tumescent Technique Chronicles: Local Anesthesia, Liposuction, and Beyond by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
This article is a personal view of the history of the tumescent technique and a look at its future. Invented and popularized by dermatologists, the tumescent technique has consequences far beyond dermatologic surgery.
Tumescent Technique for Regional Anesthesia Permits Lidocaine Doses of 35 mg/kg for Liposuction
Abstract. The tumescent technique for local anesthesia permits regional local anesthesia of the skin and subcutaneous tissues by direct infiltration. The tumescent technique uses large columns of a dilute anesthetic solution to produce swelling and firmness of targeted areas.